Penny Cube

5.NBT.7     5.MD.5

Act 1

Watch the video:

How many pennies is that?  How much money is that?


What would be an estimate that is too high?  To low?

Act 2

Penny Cube Dimensions

Coin Specifications

Act 3

Share your solution and strategies.  Compare your strategies and results.

How reasonable was your estimate?

What might you do differently if you were to do this again?


Penny Cube 1.5: The Weight of it All!

How much does this Penny Cube Weigh?

Penny Cube 1.5 Reveal

Penny Cube 2:  Invasion of the Quarters!

Quarters would fit nicely in this cube as well.  Which would you rather have, a cube of pennies or a cube of quarters?

Penny Cube 3: Return of the Pennies!

If this cube was one cubic foot, how much money would it hold?

Sweet Tart Hearts

Act I

Watch the video:

How many candies of each color are in the mug?  Estimate.

Write an estimate that you know is too high.  Write an estimate that you know is too low.


Act II

Sweet Tart Hearts fractions    Sweet Tart Hearts Serving Size

Act 3

Share your solution and strategies.  Compare your strategies and results.

How reasonable was your estimate?

What might you do differently if you were to do this again?